For well over a century the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce has served as the voice of the business community. We started with a simple goal, ensure that San Luis Obispo continue to be a prosperous city for its businesses and residents.

The Mission has evolved since it’s 1905 inception, but the goal has stayed the same.

In 2013, staff and a number of volunteers began the task of updating our Mission Statement  to more clearly reflect what it is that the Chamber is all about. While we were at it we decided to create a list of values that guide our organization.

With that said, we are excited and proud to share our Mission Statement and Core Values.


We connect the business community with ideas, inspiration and each other, bringing people together to shape the place we love.


Ask what’s possible
We listen, stay open and challenge ourselves to ask if there is a better way.

Rise above self-interest
We look beyond ourselves to make long-range decisions we believe are in the best interest of our community.

Target amazing
We are committed to excellence, continuous improvement and driving positive change.

Build relationships
We bring people together to cultivate a sense of connection and belonging.

Connect diverse perspectives
We believe diversity and depth of thought lead to better outcomes.

Grit to achieve what we believe in
We aren’t afraid to make tough choices and put in the work for the things we believe in.

Oh, and we like to have fun