The Women’s Leadership Program, a 12-week online course designed for emerging leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, or anyone looking to grow their leadership skills and maximize their impact, starts on Sept. 16, 2020.

SLO-based Unlock-Potential (UP) recognized the increased need for managing emotions, self-reflection, coaching, and leading with confidence—particularly for women. “These are challenging times for everyone, but women and their careers have been disproportionately affected,” says UP co-founder Jennifer Porcher. According to a recent McKinsey and Company report, women have been almost twice as likely to experience job loss as their male counterparts and, as primary caregivers for children and elderly parents, they’ve shouldered a significantly larger portion of the at-home work burden.

unlock potential

The 12-week program offers participants the opportunity to build a strong community and grow with a cohort of eight dynamic women. In addition to building professional relationships, participants will:

  • Learn useful tools to deal with overwhelm and anxiety
  • Gain confidence in how and what to communicate
  • Pause and reflect before reacting to everyday challenges when patience is thin
  • Learn practices to help manage stress, balance life responsibilities, productivity
  • Elevate a passion for work and life through inspiring conversations, powerful insights, and wholehearted encouragement
  • Receive individual coaching calls to support personal and professional goals
  • Embody leadership skills that can create higher levels of trust and lasting change

“One of the things we hear from women is that they really appreciate the sense of connection—the understanding that they are not alone in this,” says UP co-founder Lynne Biddinger. “Our small class size provides a safe, supportive environment for women to be real and honest about what they’re experiencing.”

Local supporters of this program include: Cal Poly, Trust Automation, Dignity Health, Ten Over Studio, Hathway, SESLOC Federal Credit Union, Promega BioSciences, J. Lohr, Morris and Garritano, Martin Resorts, Richardson Properties, City of Paso Robles, Wacker Wealth Partners, CoVelop, and Wallace Group.

Unlock-Potential is a San Luis Obispo-based, women-owned leadership and development firm specializing in creating strong leaders, teams, and supportive culture. To find out more, go to or email