care packages for christmasThis December will mark the 21 consecutive year that the San Luis Obispo community will generously provide the County’s homeless with a decadent home-cooked Christmas Day dinner along with live entertainment. More importantly, for the past two decades, this occasion has been used as a means of providing much needed winter clothing care packages to the homeless community.

united way slo

Please help continue this tradition by donating to the winter clothing care package fund. All donations will be used for the purchase of care package items so that each homeless guests are provided with a brand new: sleeping bag, hooded sweatshirt, winter jacket, socks, underwear and toiletries. These items make a tremendous difference in helping local homeless survive our cold, wet winters.

Donations are accepted online at United Way of San Luis Obispo County under the ‘Care Package for Christmas’ section. Checks can also be mailed to United Way San Luis Obispo, P.O. Box 14309, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406. Please write “Care Packages for Christmas” on the memo line.

All donations are tax-deductible. For more information about this event, please contact Sheri Eibschutz at (805)-594-1999.